Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Whole Bunch of Money Spent

Can you fathom all this money the government is spending. I do not argue that
to some extent it is necessary due to the horrible economic situation we are in.
However, do we need to spend THIS much money? With so many "so-called" smart
people we have running our country is it not possible to find a more efficient way to
complete this successfully?

The over $800 stimulus plan is a virtually uncountable some of money. If you were to
spend $1 Million every day since the Birth of Christ you will still not have spent all of the
stimulus package.

The thought that these greedy and sleazy politicians reaction to the complaints of the 'pork'
in the bill is that it is only a couple of percent of the bill so it is okay. What in the world are these
greedy and spoiled politicians thinking? Yes, maybe one of the pork projects is only 0.01% of the bill, but that could still be $80 Million. Wait a second, last time I checked the total amount that my immediate family will ever make in our lives is probably going to be less than that. The total income of the apartment complex I live in (including the apartment complex corporation) will not make that much in one year (or even 5 years). Every dollar counts, and until the politicians in Washington realize this, our country will never be great.

All politicians need to be held accountable, and I would say that any politician still working for pork barrel spending should be impeached, for he/she is violating the responsibility and trust that they were elected to uphold. It is no better than Gov. Blago in Illinois. Something to think about next time you vote for any public official.

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